The right smoking technique for Leon Jimenes little cigars

The Leon Jimenes little cigars have for some time been known to epicureans and are similarly mainstream. Like the “Aurora”, it is likewise made in one of the most established and best production lines in the Dominican Republic, specifically León in Santiago, which has been making stogies for a very long time. Regardless of the light covering, the Leon Jimenes little cigars have medium to solid strength and is consequently famous with Cuban stogie enthusiasts. The cost/quality proportion of Leon Jimenes little cigars is superb.

The Series 300 Cameroon Leon Jimenes little cigars a magnum opus of craftsmanship.

What separates a durable show-stopper is the means by which well a craftsman aces their specialty. With a ton of quiet, focus and the quest for flawlessness. The Leon Jimenes little cigars Series 300 Cameroon was made several years ago with extraordinary meticulousness, was permitted to “develop” in harmony (300 days in the maturing room) and now shows up in a totally new look.

The smell of the Series 300 Cameroon Leon Jimenes little cigars

The delightful Cameroon covering is a stylish portrayal of the exquisite flavors that make this stogie what it is: a work of art of workmanship. The flavor profile opens with profound natural notes that twist into fragrances of dried products of the soil advances into a gentle progression of flavors and cinnamon that keeps going all through the smoke.

Cigars are a symbol of noble moments of pleasure, fine lifestyle and pure relaxation. They like to be smoked after dinner, in good company with friends or on special occasions. The luxury product is a real luxury good and has its price depending on the origin and quality of the tobacco. We’ll tell you here which formats and brands you should definitely try for a fine cigar indulgence and which smoking techniques are the best.

When you have found the right cigar and your moment of pleasure is within reach, there is one more thing to consider: the right smoking technique.