The aroma of non-lit Palermino little cigars really resembles a coffee

Palermino little cigars are now presented in five different varieties, all varieties of cigarillos are flavored with rather familiar aromas and these are chocolate, cherry, vanilla, just a sweet taste and coffee with cream. Here is an example of the latter and try the “Filipino”.
A thorough inspection showed that Palermino little cigars are without a filter, one edge is slightly narrowed – this means that the opposite is intended for lighting. Cigarillos in a pack of optimal humidity, their body is no longer elastic, but does not crack yet when pressed.

An autopsy showed that the cover is indeed made of natural tobacco leaf, and in several layers. The general somewhat disheveled cigarillos inspires thoughts of just manual Philippine labor.
The contents of Palermino little cigars represent an abundance of almost identical fragments of a light brown leaf, slightly lighter than the integumentary leaf.

The aroma of a non-lit cigarillo really resembles a coffee, practically not sweet and not pronounced. From the moment of lighting in the smoke, a moderate note of a cigar leaf and a grain of coffee are felt. The sweetness in the smoke is barely noticeable, and it is just enough to smooth out possible irregularities in the tobacco base. Towards the middle of the cigarillo, the note of coffee becomes brighter, however, without eclipsing the pleasant tobacco taste, and the sweetness of the first puff acquires a soft creamy hue. From the second half, the tobacco note becomes more active, the coffee note is perceived somewhere in the background, and the creamy cream sweetness is more likely to be felt in the aftertaste than in the flavor bouquet.
These Palermino little cigars from the Philippine company Tabaqueria de Filipinas, appeared in domestic tobacco not long ago, somewhere in the fall of last year. Unusually tiny packs, a little-known manufacturer, and even a Filipino … There are very, very few reviews on Palermino to this day. And today we will understand what kind of product this is.
The barcode on the side panel confirms that the Palermino little cigars are made specifically in the Philippines. The pack, although small, is decorated quite stylishly and promises “100% tobacco” and “handmade”.