little cigars and cigarillos

little cigars and cigarillos

As a cigar lover, I have always been intrigued by the smaller, more compact version of this beloved tobacco product – little cigars. Despite their smaller size, these little cigars pack a punch of flavor and are becoming increasingly popular among cigar enthusiasts. In this article, I will delve into the world of little cigars, their history, flavors, and what makes them a unique and enjoyable smoking experience.

Originating in the late 1800s, little cigars were created as a means to make cigars more affordable and accessible to the masses. They were often referred to as “cigarettes in disguise” due to their size and similarities to cigarettes. However, little cigars do differ from cigarettes in terms of their composition and smoking experience.

One of the main differences between little cigars and cigarettes is the type of tobacco used. While cigarettes are made from a blend of tobacco, little cigars are made from whole leaf tobacco that is aged, fermented, and hand-rolled into a cigar wrapper. This gives little cigars a more complex and rich flavor compared to cigarettes.

Another distinctive feature of little cigars is their size. Typically measuring around 3 inches in length and having a ring gauge of 20-24, they are significantly smaller than traditional cigars, which can measure up to 6 inches in length. This compact size makes them easy to carry and smoke on-the-go, making them a convenient choice for cigar lovers who are always on the move.

Little cigars also come in a variety of flavors, ranging from classic tobacco to fruity and sweet options. Some of the most popular flavors include cherry, vanilla, and chocolate. These flavors are added to the tobacco during the aging process, giving the cigars a naturally sweet and aromatic taste. This makes little cigars a great option for those who may not enjoy the intense flavor of traditional cigars.

One of the biggest misconceptions about little cigars is that they are cheaper and low-quality alternatives to traditional cigars. While it is true that little cigars are more affordable, they are not necessarily of lower quality. In fact, many premium brands offer little cigar options that are made with the same high-quality tobacco and hand-rolling techniques as their larger counterparts.

Now, let’s talk about the smoking experience. Little cigars are often compared to cigarettes due to their size and shape. However, the smoking experience is quite different. Unlike cigarettes, little cigars are not meant to be inhaled and should be puffed on slowly to fully savor the complex flavors. They also produce a thicker and longer-lasting smoke compared to cigarettes, making them more enjoyable for those who appreciate the ritual of smoking a cigar.

One of the main advantages of little cigars is their affordability. Due to their smaller size, they are often priced lower than traditional cigars, making them a great option for those on a budget. Additionally, their compact size makes them a popular choice for those who do not have the time for a full-sized cigar or are looking for a quick smoke break.

As a cigar enthusiast, I have tried a variety of little cigar brands and flavors, and one of my personal favorites is Swisher Sweets. Their little cigars are made from premium whole leaf tobacco and come in a variety of delicious flavors such as grape and peach. The aroma and taste of these little cigars never fail to impress me.

In conclusion, little cigars may be small in size, but they offer a unique and enjoyable smoking experience that sets them apart from cigarettes and traditional cigars. From their affordable price to their wide range of flavors, little cigars have something to offer for every cigar lover. So why not give them a try and see for yourself why they are becoming increasingly popular in the world of cigars.