Corsar of the Queen little cigars -check all of their formats

Filtered Corsar of the Queen little cigars are made from selected Virginia and Burley leaves as a filling and wrapped in reconstituted tobacco leaf made from selected tobacco leaves. They have a balanced, spicy aroma of natural tobacco. The filtered Corsar of the Queen little cigars are made by using some carefully selected tobaccos from the tobacco plantations of Brazil, Italy, India, Zimbabwe and Malawi.

Corsar of the Queen little cigars are wrapped in reconstituted tobacco leaf, making them a 100% tobacco product. A special feature of Corsar of the Queen little cigars is a specially developed double active carbon filter, with the help of which a special pleasant mild taste is achieved. Corsar of the Queen little cigars can be stored in special tubes. Tubes are made of glass and made entirely of wood; it allows you to maintain the required level of humidity inside the cigar for about two days. Today on the market there is a rich assortment of accessories of all shapes and sizes. But we advise you to consider several factors when buying.

Firstly, they are designed for different cigar formats, so check the size that suits your lady. There should not be a lot of free space inside the case and, conversely, it should be too cramped, otherwise the cigars will wrinkle. Secondly, if you are going to carry two cigars, you’d better choose a case for three. Appetite is known to increase with meals, and you may enjoy smoking outside the home, so two vitolas won’t be enough.

Thirdly, carefully examine the “insides” of the case: it is desirable that it contains sides that separate the cigars and prevent them from moving. So, you have to carefully examine tubes when buying them for the storage of Corsar of the Queen little cigars.