Method no. 1 to smoke Cheyenne Little Cigars

Cheyenne Little Cigars are a brand of small cigars, equivalent in size to Type 100 cigarettes. Although viewed as an inexpensive alternative to more expensive cigars, Cheyenne is a great success in society, especially if you are just starting to buy cigars. For the most part,
Cheyenne Little Cigars are liked as much as other cigars. However, small size, affordability, and a wide variety of flavors will mean you can cover a large area without spending too much money.

Method no. 2: Enjoying Cheyenne Little Cigars
Remove the packaging. Cheyenne Little Cigars come in packs similar to regular cigarettes. Remove the cellophane wrap from the packaging and open the lid. Throw the cellophane into the trash as soon as you remove it completely.
After removing the cellophane, you should smell the cigars. Light a cigar. Hold the cigar in one hand between your fingers and place the end of the cigar over the flame. For lighters, a flashlight
is best for you because it will allow the tip of the cigar to burn completely.

Placing a cigar directly on a fire will damage the flavor of the cigar.
Suck on the tip of your cigar. While the cigar is lit, inhale the back end of the selected cigar. Inhale slowly until smoke begins to rise from the burning tip. Inhale the smoke into your mouth, but do not let it enter your lungs, or you will cough violently.
Enjoy the flavor and density of the smoke. Unlike cigarettes, you need time to appreciate the flavor of a cigarette. After taking a puff from the cigar, let the aroma linger and enjoy it. When it dies down, take another puff.

Because Cheyenne Little Cigars are small, you won’t get the firmness you would get from a regular cigar.
Tighten periodically. When lighting a cigar, tighten it regularly to keep the cigar burning. When white smoke starts to burst out of the tip, it ignites by itself, and you should not rush to finish it off.
If the cigar loses fire, it can always be ignited again.