Leon Jimenes little cigars are the Dominican definition

Leon Jimenes little cigars are the Dominican definition. Today the Dominican Republic, the world’s biggest stogie exporter, bears the subsequent name “Stogie Country”. A differentiation where the convention cognizant León family has a critical offer as a maker of premium Leon Jimenes little cigars and is thusly appropriately pleased to offer probably the best item with developing interest. In 1987, this brand was dispatched as a recognition for the establishing
fathers of the stogie producer. Just the most handy hands of the producer are utilized in the creation of the exceptional long fillers. These Leon Jimenes little cigars are made in the most seasoned plant in the Dominican Republic. The Tabacalera La Aurora has been in
activity since 1903.

Today, the Dominican Republic, the world’s biggest stogie exporter, bears the subsequent name “Stogie Country”. A qualification where the León family, who are custom cognizant as makers of premium stogies, assume a key job and are subsequently appropriately glad for being probably the best item with developing Only the most dexterous hands of the producer are designated to the creation of the top notch long fillers.

More than 100 years of custom, from the Léon plant. Very good prepared Leon Jimenes little cigars, in fact wonderful in train and consume.
Lighter wood feed notes blend delightfully with little soil and a trace of cinnamon. Throughout the smoke, the character slowly increments.

Leon Jimenes little cigars are genuinely respectable stogies, the vibe of which unquestionably doesn’t guarantee excessively. Precisely handled, firmly rolled and delicate on the train. Just select, smooth
Connecticut sheets are utilized as decks. On account of the decent piece of addition, folio and decker, the León Jimenes builds up a nuanced fragrance with a fine pleasantness and cedar-nutty note. Its smoke is smooth delicate with a practically elegant body, a genuine treat for the sense of taste. A top item for the ruined stogie expert.

With the Leon Jimenes little cigars, León Jimenes gives a filler a brilliant Connecticut covering, delicate in the smoke and with a rich, separated, fiery taste with an unobtrusive sweet note.

The Leon Jimenes little cigars with their tweaked exemplary stogie embed are extremely well known with epicureans. Regardless of whether as “petites” (seasoned in a similar size as “vanilla” with a fragrant flavor), or as humble “miniatures” and as rich “cigarillos” – they generally offer you delectable and agreeably animating satisfaction.